pandora leaks

Exciting news! The Pandora Papers are like a giant puzzle revealing the hidden money of important people around the world. In Nepal, these papers tell us about the money secrets of 16 rich folks, including the richest one, Binod Chaudhary.

Binod Chaudhary’s Family Business

Let’s take a closer look at Binod Chaudhary. He’s like the king of wealth in Nepal. The Pandora Papers spill the beans on him and his family, showing they have companies in sneaky places like the British Virgin Islands and Singapore. Here’s the surprise: these companies are in the names of Binod’s wife and three sons—Nirvana, Varun, and Rahul.

Golchha Family and Their Secret Moves

Now, let’s talk about the Golchha family, who have been in Nepal’s business world for a long time. The Pandora Papers suggest that members of this family also play a secret game with companies in places like the British Virgin Islands. Some of the names involved are Lok Manya Golchha, Chandra Kumar Golchha, and Hitesh Golchha.

Other Big Names in the Secret Club

The Pandora Papers don’t stop there. They spill the beans on more big shots from Nepal. There’s Ajeya Raj Sumargi, the head of Muktishree group and boss of Nepal Satellite Telecom Pvt. Ltd., and his relative Arjun Prasad Sharma. Also in the list are Kishor Rana, Rajendra Shakya of Guna Groups, Suhrid Raj Ghimire selling Kia cars in Nepal, Ghimire’s friend Purushottam Paudyal, Sudhir Mittal of Shree Airlines, and Radhe Shyam Saraf of Hotel Yak & Yeti.

What’s the Big Deal?

So, why is everyone talking about the Pandora Papers? They tell us about these big shots hiding their money in secret places. But here’s the catch: having companies in these sneaky spots isn’t automatically illegal. What’s wrong is if they use these companies to hide money and not pay taxes. This makes people talk about needing more honesty and stronger rules to stop this kind of thing.

Remember, just because these people are in the Pandora Papers doesn’t mean they did something bad. It’s a signal for the people in charge to take a closer look and make sure things are fair.

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